Kevin Tierney, presiding judge over matrimonial cases in the Connecticut judicial district that is home to many hedge funds, said postnups had become "rather common" in his court. 在很多对冲基金总部所在的康涅狄格州司法辖区,负责婚姻类案件的法官凯文蒂尔尼(kevintierney)表示,在他的法庭,婚后协议已经变得“相当常见”。
Lincoln's Illinois state teachers are the eighth judicial district of many people. 林肯的教师还有伊里诺州第八司法区的许多人。
Circuit court: state court that holds sessions at several different places within a judicial district. 在一个司法区间几个不同地方开庭的政府法庭。
The judicial organs in some places such as the Peoples Procuratorate of a district of Beijing Municipality made reference to foreign experience and applied criminal composition when handling specified cases. 以北京市某区人民检察院为例,一些地方的司法机关针对特定的公诉案件,有意识地借鉴了刑事和解制度的做法,取得了良好的社会效果。
Secondly, this thesis introduced the legislative and judicial practice of the United States, European Chamber, Japan and Taiwan district in the anti-monopoly of intellectual property. 其次介绍了美国、欧盟、日本及我国台湾地区在用反垄断法规制滥用知识产权行为方面的立法和司法实践。
However, in the process of the formation and development of criminal reconciliation, the criminal reconciliation system caused various argues, and in the judicial practice, the actual condition of different district are not in the same. 但是,在刑事和解制度的产生和发展过程中,围绕刑事和解的各种争论一直不休,而且司法实践中,各地的实际情况也不尽相同。
The second section is about the empirical study of processing of cases with guilty plea conducted by the judicial organs of B district in city A of Pearl River Delta. 二是我国被告人认罪案件处理程序的实证考察。笔者对珠江三角洲A市B区司法机关适用简易程序和普通程序简化审的具体情况进行了实证考察。
This part mainly introduces the origin and the theory foundation of the loss of survival chance, as well as the related judicial practice in other nations and Taiwan district. Part ⅱ: Damage ascertaining of the loss of survival chance. 该部分主要介绍了存活机会丧失理论的渊源和理论基础,以及国外和我国台湾地区的司法实践。第二部分:存活机会丧失损害的认定。
By referencing judicial precedent of the United States, court judgment of Japan and Taiwan district, the writer summarizes solutions of the influences between the abandonment of damage claim and insurance subrogation. 通过引用美国司法判例,日本及台湾地区法院判决,分别总结被保险人放弃损害赔偿请求权时,保险人能否或如何行使代位权这一问题的解决方法。